Adaptive management practices in the governance of CFR areas in TATR buffer

Joshi, Poorva (2022) Adaptive management practices in the governance of CFR areas in TATR buffer. [Report]

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Adaptive Management is a term used for a strategy of implementing management actions in a step wise manner, where the impact of each action is evaluated and the learnings from positive impacts are integrated in the next actions for achieving specified objectives. It can be simply defined as 'learning by doing'. An adaptive management approach can be applied to wide range of projects. Forest Rights Act (2006) including the provision of Community Forest Rights (CFR) brought a landmark change in forest management by recognizing the management rights of forest dwellers over forest resources. The scholarly research over FRA, is restricted to gaining of CFR but little is known about CFR management after the gain of rights by the community. Is the community able to manage the CFR area and gain better livelihood? How does the management system *learn' and 'adapt" in the process of co-management? Present study addresses precisely these questions. The aspect of governance of CFR has not been studied in great details so far. Understanding conflicts before and after the grant of CFR is one part of the study and the conflict resolution methods applied and integrated in management study is the second part. Our aim is to understand the process of evolution of adaptive Management practices in the governance of CFR areas in TATR buffer area along with the challenges faced and resolved by the community over the years. The objectives of this study were: 1) Documentation of conflict resolution among various stakeholders of the forest resource: Conflict resolutions within and between the CFR holders 2)Generalized model/framework of adaptive management practices which can get institutionalized: Identifying key learnings and devising a generalised framework as guidelines for other CFR areas

Item Type: Report
Authors: Joshi, Poorva
Document Language:
Subjects: Social sciences
Divisions: Azim Premji University
Full Text Status: Public
Note: The research for this report was funded by the Azim Premji University. However, the opinions expressed in the report are that of the particular research team/organisation. They do not reflect the viewpoint of Azim Premji Foundation/University.
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