Fairy tales and Roopkathas: To tell or not to tell

Hegde, Rupamanjari (2024) Fairy tales and Roopkathas: To tell or not to tell. The Wire.

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Stories for children come in different genres – fairy tales, folktales, adventure and ghost stories, historical and science fiction, detective stories – you name it. Be it in the context of home or school, stories have the power to transport children into an imaginary world filled with magic, fun and excitement. They not only enhance imagination and creativity among children but also enhance their attention span besides being a powerful medium to instill certain values. But do stories have the potential to develop in young minds critical thinking skills, the buzzword in the world of education today (though often used rather loosely), and therefore be used as a pedagogical approach in classrooms? And if so what kind of stories are most appropriate for that?

Item Type: Newspaper Article
Authors: Hegde, Rupamanjari
Document Language:
Subjects: Social sciences > Education
Divisions: Azim Premji University > School of Education
Full Text Status: Public
Related URLs:
URI: http://publications.azimpremjiuniversity.edu.in/id/eprint/5764
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