Understanding India’s evolving middle classes

Krishnan, Sandhya (2014) Understanding India’s evolving middle classes. EASTASIAFORUM.

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The heterogenous and diverse middle class in India, classified by different occupations, education and income levels, has significantly expanded since the 2000s. It now represents a sizeable consumer market for both domestic and global businesses. But it also faces challenges such as increasing joblessness and potential social unrest. The Indian government must ensure the country’s continued economic growth and job creation to prevent a reduction in the size of the middle class and a potential social crisis.

Item Type: Newspaper Article
Authors: Krishnan, Sandhya
Document Language:
Subjects: Social sciences
Divisions: Azim Premji University > School of Development
Full Text Status: Restricted
Related URLs:
URI: http://publications.azimpremjiuniversity.edu.in/id/eprint/5646
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