Sustainable Aquaculture

Jamwal, Ankur and Lowanshi, Ashutosh and Yadava, Karun Kant and Singha, Sanayaima and Sahu, Omkar (2024) Sustainable Aquaculture. In: Innovations and Ethical Practices for Aquaculture Production. Elite Publishing House. ISBN 9789358990317

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Sustainable aquaculture is a dynamic concept; it includes environment, ecological, social, and economical sustainability, anything that does not fulfill these requirements as a system cannot be called as sustainable aquaculture. The sustainability of an aquaculture system will vary with species, location and social norms. To meet the demand of growing and economically underprivileged populations, sustainable aquaculture development has been combined with aquaculture activities focused on large-scale, affordable fish production. Key issues in attaining sustainability in Aquaculture could be intensity of culture operation, soil and groundwater salinization, destruction of mangroves, environmental impacts of aquachemicals and therapeutics, persistence in aquatic habitats, drug and hormone residues etc. Generally, capital investment increases with cultural system intensity. Scientific expertise, efficiency of organization, management effectiveness, etc., are key interconnections for effective fish production. Some of the major strategies which can help in attaining sustainability could be integrated fish farming in which fish can be cultured along with different systems such as poultry, duck farming, agriculture etc. and Integrated Multi −Trophic Aquaculture.

Item Type: Book Section
Authors: Jamwal, Ankur and Lowanshi, Ashutosh and Yadava, Karun Kant and Singha, Sanayaima and Sahu, Omkar
Document Language:
Uncontrolled Keywords: Sustainable Aquaculture, Integrated faming, IMTA, Livestock farming
Subjects: Technology > Agriculture > Hunting, fishing, conservation, related technologies > Aquaculture
Divisions: Azim Premji University > Research Centre
Full Text Status: Restricted
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