Investigations with Pentominoes

Sircar, Swati and Titus, Sneha (2015) Investigations with Pentominoes. At Right Angles, 4 (1). pp. 40-49. ISSN 2582-1873

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Beginning with this issue, we start a new series which is a compilation of ‘Low Floor High Ceiling’ activities. What does this term mean? I first encountered it at a Cambridge workshop by Charlie Gilderdale and the concept appealed instantly. The name describes it perfectly: an activity is chosen which starts by assigning simple age-appropriate tasks which can be attempted by all the students in the classroom. The complexity of the tasks builds up as the activity proceeds so that each student is pushed to his or her maximum as they attempt their work. There is enough work for all but as the level gets higher, fewer students are able to complete the tasks. The point however, is that all students are engaged and all of them are able to accomplish at least a part of the whole task.

Item Type: Articles in APF Magazines
Authors: Sircar, Swati and Titus, Sneha
Document Language:
Subjects: Natural Sciences > Mathematics
Divisions: Azim Premji University > University Publications > At Right Angles
Full Text Status: Public
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