Dhankar,, Ekta and Lall, Jyotsna and Suneja,, Shipra and Puri, Vardhna
Teaching primary level English to first
generation learners in rural Rajasthan.
Learning Curve, 3.
pp. 34-38.
ISSN 2582-1644
Gramin Shiksha Kendra (GSK)1 was set up to address
community concerns on education and functions in
over seventy villages around the Ranthambhore
National Park. GSK runs three Uday Community
Schools, recognised by the Government of Rajasthan
and works with around seventy government schools
all following the government curriculum. At the core
of the organisation is the belief that communities
cannot be passive recipients of education provided
by the government and must play an active role
in demanding more and better services from the
government. Through the three schools we reach
out to the much wider community to bring about
change in the way education is understood.
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