Majumdar, Saumil
Creating better
learning environments – through
systems design and magic!
Learning Curve (21).
pp. 30-33.
Over the last four years, I have heard various
educationists, school leaders, teachers and
policy makers talk - at various Education
conferences and in the media - about the
enormous challenges in school education.
Over time, I found a few recurring themes:
1. Focus on learning, not teaching.
2. Create the joy of learning – and children
will learn for life.
The biggest challenge seems to be around
creating better learning environments where
children are fully engaged and where children
develop a love for learning.
As an engineer, when confronted with a problem,
one tends to focus on design - whether it involves
making new things or tinkering with existing stuff.
Try something new to make a change.
Mr. Einstein defined insanity as “doing the same
thing over and over again and expecting
different results."
Are most of our school leaders in a state of
temporary insanity? Doing the same thing and
expecting different results?
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