KathaVana 2021-22 Report

UNSPECIFIED (2021) KathaVana 2021-22 Report. [Report]

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KathaVana is an ongoing annual children’s literature festival hosted by Azim Premji University since 2012. There are different ways literature, especially children’s literature, is understood by people around the world and interpreted by teachers and children in the classrooms. One’s understanding of literature clearly pans out in ways one engages with literature in their lives.Similarly, how a teacher interprets what literature and children’s literature is and their understanding of the role played by children’s literature in the holistic development of children has an influence over ways children’s literature enters language classrooms. Each edition of KathaVana offers a variety of forums where children, teachers and community members can engage deeply with literature. Each year it takes up a theme and explores issues related to that theme more closely. The theme for KathaVana 2021-2022 was: Bevu-Bella:COVID-19 Samayada Anubhavakathana (Neem-Jaggery - Stories from the time of COVID-19

Item Type: Report
Document Language:
Uncontrolled Keywords: KathaVana
Subjects: Literature & rhetoric
Divisions: Azim Premji University
Full Text Status: Public
URI: http://publications.azimpremjiuniversity.edu.in/id/eprint/5674
Publisher URL:

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