Safe reopening of Colleges and Universities

UNSPECIFIED (2020) Safe reopening of Colleges and Universities. Azim Premji University.

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Classes at Colleges and Universities in India were suspended in the third week of March when a lock-down was declared by the Central Government due to Covid-19. As on the date of this document, no state had allowed the reopening of Colleges and Universities. If Colleges and Universities are allowed to re-open, while Covid-19 infections continue, they will need to evaluate the changes that need to be made to operating processes, determine if they have the ability to reopen with new processes, and if they do reopen, will have to operate with additional safeguards in place. This document is organized into two sections. The first section applies to all Colleges and Universities and the second section is a set of additional guidelines that would be relevant to those Universities that are residential or semi-residential. The document identifies the different functions at a University that will need processes reworked as they prepare for reopening. These include changes in Operations and Planning, Scheduling of Classes, Security and Safety, Facilities and Infrastructure, Food and Medical. For each of these functions, this document lists a set of guidelines. The document also provides a list of guidelines that could be customized to each University’s situation and used for communication with students/faculty/staff. These cover what is needed for entry to campus, what needs to be done while on campus and what is to be done if someone is unwell. The document recommends that the University’s efforts are led by a Covid19 Task Force that is empowered and has representatives from the different functions. The document recommends that a Covid Help Desk be set up to disseminate information and to respond to situations on the ground on a daily basis. This document also recommends that a Student Engagement Team beset up and be closely involved in securing commitment to safe operations from the student community. Safe reopening and operations will require coordination and efforts from everyone involved at the University. This document is meant to serve as a guideline for Universities to use as they evaluate if they can reopen and to plan their reopening. It is important to note that local/state/central government guidelines should take precedence at all times.

Item Type: Other
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Subjects: Social sciences > Education
Divisions: Azim Premji University
Full Text Status: Public
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