An inheritance tax will help reduce inequality

Moharir, Advait and Narayanan, Rajendran (2024) An inheritance tax will help reduce inequality. The Hindu.

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A remark by Chairman of Indian Overseas Congress Sam Pitroda on implementing an inheritance tax as a tool of wealth redistribution has sparked massive debates. In this article, we present rationale on why high inequality is harmful, and advocate for progressive taxes as a mechanism to reduce inequality. Primarily, we underscore the need to take a view of citizenship where the poor and the rich can participate equally in democratic decision-making. However, in an unequal society, a handful of dominant individuals can wield a disproportionate amount of power through control of resources. This will likely lead to a few wealthy elites dictating the socioeconomic and political decisions aimed to benefit them at the cost of the majority.

Item Type: Newspaper Article
Authors: Moharir, Advait and Narayanan, Rajendran
Document Language:
Subjects: Social sciences > Economics
Divisions: Azim Premji University > School of Arts and Sciences
Full Text Status: Public
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