Unevenly distributed biological invasion costs among origin and recipient regions

Bang, Alok (2023) Unevenly distributed biological invasion costs among origin and recipient regions. Nature Sustainability. pp. 1-21. ISSN 2398-9629

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Globalization challenges sustainability by intensifying the ecological and economic impacts of biological invasions. These impacts may be unevenly distributed worldwide, with costs disproportionately incurred by a few regions. We identify economic cost distributions of invasions among origin and recipient countries and continents, and determine socio-economic and biodiversity-related predictors of cost dynamics. Using data filtered from the InvaCost database, which inevitably includes geographic biases in cost reporting, we found that recorded costly invasive alien species have originated from almost all regions, most frequently causing impacts to Europe. In terms of cost magnitude, reported monetary costs predominantly resulted from species with origins in Asia impacting North America. High reported cost linkages (flows) between species’ native countries and their invaded countries were related to proxies of shared environments and shared trade history. This pattern can be partly attributed to the legacy of colonial expansion and trade patterns. The characterization of ‘sender’ and ‘receiver’ regions of invasive alien species and their associated cost can contribute to more sustainable economies and societies while protecting biodiversity by informing biosecurity planning and the prioritization of control efforts across regions.

Item Type: Article
Authors: Bang, Alok
Document Language:
Uncontrolled Keywords: Globalization, sustainability, ecological and economic
Subjects: Sustainability
Divisions: Azim Premji University > School of Arts and Sciences
Full Text Status: Restricted
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URI: http://publications.azimpremjiuniversity.edu.in/id/eprint/4815
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