The phenomenon of learning: beyond reason and reasoning

Iyer, Prakash (2020) The phenomenon of learning: beyond reason and reasoning. Teacher Plus. ISSN 0973-778

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I am looking at the laptop and typing away with thoughts streaming from my mind. There is one moment when dear Melodrama (the dog who lives with us), turns over on the bed she is sleeping on. Her movement is only seen from the side of my eye, but in that moment, I become completely unaware of the laptop, my fingers typing…my consciousness is occupied with Melo’s movement. I feel a surge of affection, my head hasn’t moved, but the image of her is right there in my mind as if I am looking straight at her, the slight sound of the mattress when she moves is amply clear to my ears, I experience the warmth and comfort on her mattress. My body feels how it does when I hug her. My fingers are still, my nose twitches, and remember her “dog smell”. At that moment, the laptop screen, the article, the ideas…all of them were blurred. The next moment is entirely different. I see words, I am thinking of the next sentence, my fingers are tapping away and my bare feet feel as cold as they were feeling. The warmth and comfort were gone.

Item Type: Article
Authors: Iyer, Prakash
Document Language:
Uncontrolled Keywords: Learning, Education
Subjects: Social sciences > Education
Divisions: Azim Premji University > School of Education
Full Text Status: Public
Publisher URL:

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