Ryall, Reena
The resource room –
external supports.
Learning Curve (23).
pp. 75-77.
This article analyses the role of the regular teachers,
principal and management in helping to sustain the
resource room.
Over the years it has been seen that teachers are
disinclined towards the policy of inclusion of
children with special needs in the regular classroom.
Their concerns come from varied factors like
amount of time such children might need, poor
performance, how it might affect the other children,
as well as their own sense of inadequacy about their
training and skills to handle such situations.
However it is known that teacher attitudes impact
student’s educational outcomes and when it is a
negative attitude it is a cause for concern. A
resource room is a classroom where children can
receive individual academic instruction for goals
listed in the IEP (Individual Educational Programme)
which will help them learn strategies that will
improve their performance in the class. The
resource room is particularly beneficial to children
with dyslexia and other learning disorders as direct
individual teaching is required. In the resource room
children receive learning support in a positive
environment. The concept of the resource room
facility or the learning support facility has not yet
caught on in India. Though awareness levels have
improved in recent years, the principal and school
managements still fail to see the crucial link that the
resource room provides in the circle of education.
Mostly viewed as a specialised area connected with
special education, catering to the needs of too small
a number of children, creating a financial burden
that is considered optional, most schools are of the
opinion that they can manage without a resource
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